BehnkenRobert Louis |
International order nº: 478 |
US astr. nº: 308 |
Ord. num. | Startup spacecraft |
Date and time of launch (UT) |
Status while launch |
Spacecraft of landing |
Date and time of landing (UT) |
Duration |
1 | STS-123 (Endeavour/21) |
11 Mar 2008 06:28:14 UTC |
MS | STS-123 (Endeavour/21) |
27 Mar 2008 00:40:41 UTC |
15d 18h 12m 27s |
2 | STS-130 (Endeavour/24) |
08 Feb 2010 09:14 UTC |
MSP | STS-130 (Endeavour/24) |
22 Feb 2010 03:20 UTC |
13d 18h 06m |
3 | Crew Dragon SpX-DM2 |
30 May 2020 19:22:45 UTC |
SC | Crew Dragon SpX-DM2 |
02 Aug 2020 18:47:48 UTC |
63d 23h 25m 03s |
Total duration: | 93d 11h 43m 30s |
Date of beginning |
Time of beginning |
Duration | Crew & Remarks |
17 Mar 2008 | 22:51 UT | 6h 53m | Behnken and R.Linnehan; mission "STS-123". The 56th EVA from airlock Quest. Completing Dextre assembly by installing a tool platform and tool holster assembly. |
20 Mar 2008 | 22:04 UT | 6h 24m | Behnken and M.Foreman; mission "STS-123". The 57th EVA from airlock Quest. Evaluating the Shuttle Tile Ablator-54, or STA-54, material and a tile repair ablator dispenser for use as a shuttle thermal protection system repair technique. The Tile Repair Ablator Dispenser, or T-RAD, is similar to a caulk gun. They used TRAD to mix and squirt out the STA-54 material into holes in several demonstration tiles. The repaired samples will be returned to Earth for extensive testing |
22 Mar 2008 | 20:34 UT | 6h 02m | Behnken and M.Foreman; mission "STS-123". The 58th EVA from airlock Quest. Moving the Orbiter Boom Sensor System, the 50 ft. extension of the shuttle's robotic arm, to a temporary location on the station's main truss or backbone. The OBSS was left on the station because shuttle Discovery doesn't have enough room in its cargo bay to carry both the boom and the large Japanese pressurized module on the STS-124 mission. The spacewalkers also installed a new trundle bearing assembly in the starboard Solar Alpha Rotary Joint to allow the joint to rotate a little bit more if necessary. That SARJ has had limited ability for several months, and metallic debris has been found inside it. Additional spacewalk tasks included inspecting the SARJ and collecting debris samples. |
12 Feb 2010 | - UT | 6h 32m | Behnken and N.Patrick; mission "STS-130". Removing a cover that has been in place to protect a port on the Unity node, the location where Tranquility was attached robotically halfway through the spacewalk. Next, the spacewalkers removed and stored a spare parts platform from the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator, or DEXTRE, a two-armed space station robot capable of handling delicate assembly tasks currently performed by spacewalkers. Finally, they installed four electronics systems cables between Unity and Tranquility to bring the new node to life. |
14 Feb 2010 | - UT | 5h 54m | Behnken and N.Patrick; mission "STS-130". Installing ammonia plumbing connectors between Unity and Tranquility and covered them with thermal insulation. When turned on, the ammonia will provide cooling to Tranquility. Then they prepared a port on the Earth-facing side of Tranquility for the flight day 8 relocation and attachment of the Cupola. |
17 Feb 2010 | - UT | 5h 48m | Behnken and N.Patrick; mission "STS-130". Turning on the ammonia cooling lines between Unity and Tranquility, installing heater and data cables on Tranquility, removing insulation and launching locks from the newly-installed Cupola, and installed handrails on the outside of Tranquility. |
26 June 2020 | - UT | 6h 07m | Behnken and C. Cassidy; mission "Dragon DM2 / Exp.63". It was the first in a series of spacewalks dedicated to replacing batteries on the far end of the station′s starboard truss. The existing nickel-hydrogen batteries were upgraded with newer, more powerful lithium-ion batteries. |
01 July 2020 | - UT | 6h 01m | Behnken and C. Cassidy; mission "Dragon DM2 / Exp.63". The duo continued to replace nickel-hydrogen batteries with more powerful lithium-ion batteries (working site: S6 Channel 1B battery R&R A-F). In addition they routed communication cables. |
16 July 2020 | - UT | 6h 00m | Behnken and C. Cassidy; mission "Dragon DM2 / Exp.63". The astronauts continued to replace nickel-hydrogen batteries with more powerful lithium-ion batteries (working site: S6 Channel 3B battery R&R A-F). They removed all six older nickel-hydrogen batteries for the truss′ power system and installed three new lithium-ion batteries. |
21 July 2020 | - UT | 5h 29m | Behnken and C. Cassidy; mission "Dragon DM2 / Exp.63". Their first task was to install a protective unit to store tools for use by the Canadian Space Agency′s Dextre robot. The astronaut duo then worked on removing two lifting fixtures, prepared the outside of the Tranquility module for the arrival later this year of the Nanoracks commercial airlock, routed ethernet cables and removed a lens filter cover from an external camera. |
Total: | 61h 10m | EVAs: 10 |
Ref.: #12, #16, #21, #215a - update: 03.09.20 | Home |