
Venus is the second planet from the Sun, orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days. The planet is named after Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty. After the Moon, it is the brightest natural object in the night sky, reaching an apparent magnitude of -4.6, bright enough to cast shadows. Because Venus is an inferior planet from Earth, it never appears to venture far from the Sun: its elongation reaches a maximum of 47.8°. Venus reaches its maximum brightness shortly before sunrise or shortly after sunset, for which reason it has been known as the Morning Star or Evening Star.

Astronomical specifications:

Orbital characteristics:
Distance from Sun 108,208,930 km
Perihelion 107.5 x (106 km)
Aphelion 108.9 x (106 km)
Inclination 3.39 deg
Eccentricity 0.0067
Orbital periode round Sun 0.615 years
Orbital Speed 35.02 km/s
Number of moons 0
Rings No
Physical characteristics:
Diameter 12,104 km
Surface area 460,000,000 km²
Volume 9.28 x 1011 km³
Mass 4.869 x 1024kg
Density 5243 kg/cm³
Equatorial gravity 8.87 m/s²
Escape velocity 10.36 km/s
Rotation period -243.02 days
Axial tilt 177.3 deg
Surface temperature 464 C (730 K)
Surface Pressure 92 bars
Atmospheric composition CO2 N2

Early history:

Space race:

Venus missions:

Name Launch
Launch rocket Weight
Sputnik 7 (USSR) 04-Feb-61 Molniya 640 kg Venua probe, failed to achieve Earth orbit.
Venera 1 (USSR) 12-Feb-61 Molniya 644 kg Passed within 100.000 km of Venus but failed before encounter.
Mariner 1 (USA) 22-Jul-62 Atlas-Agena 202 kg Venus probe, failed to achieve Earth orbit.
Sputnik 19 (USSR) 25-Aug-62 Molniya 890 kg Venus probe, failed to leave Earth orbit.
Mariner 2 (USA) 27-Aug-62 Atlas-Agena 203 kg First successful fly-by of Venus. Found heavy atmosphere and hot surface, no magnetic field.
Sputnik 20 (USSR) 01-Sep-62 Molniya 890 kg Venus probe, failed to leave Earth orbit.
Sputnik 21 (USSR) 12-Sep-62 Molniya 890 kg Venus probe, failed to leave Earth orbit.
Cosmos 21 (USSR) 11-Nov-63 Molniya 890 kg Venus probe, failed to leave Earth orbit.
Zond (USSR) 19-Feb-64 Molniya 890 kg Venus probe, failed to leave Earth orbit.
Cosmos 27 (USSR) 27-Mar-64 Molniya 890 kg Venus probe, failed to leave Earth orbit.
Zond 1 (USSR) 02-Apr-64 Molniya 890 kg Venus probe, passed within 100.000 km of Venus but failed before encounter.
Venera 2 (USSR) 12-Nov-65 Molniya 963 kg Venus fly-by, probe failed at encounter.
Venera 3 (USSR) 16-Nov-65 Molniya 960 kg First Venus atmosphere entry, failed to return data & crashed on Venus on March 01, 1966.
Cosmos 96 (USSR) 23-Nov-65 Molniya 960 kg Venus probe, failed to leave Earth orbit.
Venera 4 (USSR) 12-Jun-67 Molniya 1.106 kg First successful Venus atmosphere entry. returned data to within 25 km of surface. Entry probe 383 kg.
Mariner 5 (USA) 14-Jun-67 Atlas-Agena 245 kg Venus probe fly-by, past 4.000 km from planet.
Cosmos 167 (USSR) 17-Jun-67 Molniya 1.100 kg Venus probe, failed to leave Earth orbit.
Venera 5 (USSR) 05-Jan-69 Molniya 1.130 kg Venus atmosphere probe: 405 kg. Crashed during descent.
Venera 6 (USSR) 10-Jan-69 Molniya 1.130 kg Venus atmosphere probe, 893 lb (405 kg). Crashed during descent.
Venera 7 (USSR) 17-Aug-70 Molniya 1.180 kg Venus atmosphere entry probe: 495 kg. First successful survive to surface.
Cosmos 359 (USSR) 22-Aug-70 Molniya 1.180 kg Venus probe, failed to leave Earth orbit.
Venera 8 (USSR) 27-Mar-72 Molniya 1.180 kg Venus atmosphere entry probe, 495 kg. Returned air and surface data from day side.
Cosmos 482 (USSR) 31-Mar-72 Molniya 1.180 kg Venus probe, failed to leave Earth orbit.
Mariner 10 (USA) 03-Nov-73 Atlas-Centaur 503 kg First TV pictures of Venus fly-by. Three fly-by encounters with Mercury.
Venera 9 (USSR) 08-Jun-75 Proton-K 4.936 kg Venus lander. Returned data and first TV pictures from surface. Orbiter returned data. Entry sphere 3,440 lb (1,560 kg); surface payload 1,455 lb (660 kg).
Venera 10 (USSR) 14-Jun-75 Proton-K 5.033 kg Venus lander returned data and pictures from surface. Orbiter returned data. Entry sphere 3,440 lb (1,560 kg); surface payload 1,455 lb (660 kg).
Pioneer-Venus 1 (USA) 20-May-78 Atlas-Centaur 582 kg Venus orbiter, returned pictures and data.
Pioneer-Venus 2 (USA) 08-Aug-78 Atlas-Centaur 904 kg Venus bus, released four entry probes before encounter. Returned data from surface.
Venera 11 (USSR) 09-Sep-78 Proton-K 4.450 kg Venus fly-by probe, returned data. Lander returned atmosphere and surface data, descent payload 1.600 kg.
Venera 12 (USSR) 14-Sep-78 Proton-K 4.461 kg Venus fly-by probe, returned data. Lander returned atmosphere and surface data, descent payload 1.612 kg.
Venera 13 (USSR) 30-Oct-81 Proton-K 4.363 kg Venus fly-by probe, first color pictures of surface. Conducted first soil analysis at landing site, descent payload 1.645 kg.
Venera 14 (USSR) 04-Nov-81 Proton-K 4.363 kg Venus fly-by probe, returned color pictures of landing site and conducted analysis of soil, descent payload 1.645 kg.
Venera 15 (USSR) 02-Jun-83 Proton-K 5.250 kg Venus orbiter. radar surface mapper.
Venera 16 (USSR) 07-Jun-83 Proton-K 5.360 kg Venus orbiter. radar surface mapper.
Vega 1 (USSR) 15-Dec-84 Proton-K 4.920 kg Venus lander and French atmosphere balloon probe.
Vega 2 (USSR) 21-Dec-84 Proton-K 4.920 kg Venus lander and French atmosphere balloon probe.
Magellan (USA) 04-May-89 Shuttle/IUS 3.475 kg Venus orbiter, radar surface and gravity field mapper. First spacecraft to lower its orbit by using planet's atmosphere (aerobraking).
Cassini-Huygens (USA,ESA) 15-Oct-97 Titan-Centaur 5.634 kg The Cassini probe flew past Venus on Jun 24, 1999 at a distance of 600 km.
MESSENGER (USA) 03-Aug-04 Delta 7925H 1066 kg MESSENGER will use the gravity fields of Earth, Venur and Mercury during fly-bys to lower the velocity required to enter orbit around Mercury.
Venus Express (ESA) 09-Nov-05 Soyuz/Fregat 1240 kg Venus orbiter. Arrived 11-Apr-06 for start of mission to study the planet's atmosphere.
Akatsuki (Japan) 20-May-10 H-2A-202 640 kg The craft failed to enter Venus orbit in Dec. 2010. The probe remains in solar orbit.

Ref.: #27, #98 - update: 11.08.11 Home