Pioneer 0


Spacecraft n°: 17

USA satellite n°: 13

Also called: Able 1 - 1st to the Moon

Launch data:

Designation F00022 / 58F09
Launch date 17 Aug 1958 - 12:18 UT
Launch site CC, LC17A
Launch vehicle Thor-DM18 Able-1 (#127)
Mission Lunar orbiter
Satellite code  Able 1
Decay 17 Aug 1958

Pioneer 0 - Credit: NASA

First Thor-Able 1 launch.
Pioneer 0 was the world's first attempt to launch a probe out of Earth's orbit.


Prime contractor USAF, NASA
Manufacturer Space Technology Laboratories (TRW)
Mass at launch 38 kg
Dry Mass   kg
Configaration 2 glass fiber cones jointed at their base by a cylinder
Dimensions  Length: 0.8 m - Max. diameter: 0.7 m
Equipment camera (oscillating mirror scanner), radiation counter, search coil magnetometer, microphone micrometeorite detector
Propulsion 8 vernier rockets (seperable), TX-8 (Falcon) orbit insertion motor
Stabilization  Spin stabilized


Mission details:

Ref.: #6, #7, #8, #14, #98, #102 - update: 14.07.08 Home