Pioneer 3


Spacecraft n°: 30

USA satellite n°: 23

7th to the Moon

Launch data:

Designation 00111 / 1958Theta 1 / 58008A
Launch date 06 Dec 1958 - 5:44:52 UT
Launch site CC, LC-5
Launch vehicle Juno II (AM-11)
Mission Luner flyby
Maximum distance
from Earth 102333 km
All-burnt velocity 10,5 km/sec

Failed lunar flyby


Prime contractor  Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Operator  NASA / ABMA
Mass at launch 5,87 kg
Dry Mass   kg
Dimension (m) 0.25 dia - 0.58 long
Basic shape Cone
Stabilization  spin-stabilized (up to 700 rpm)


Descent date: 07 Dec 1958 (.83)
Flight duration38.1 hours


Scientific Instruments:

Mission details:

Ref.: #1, #7, #11(1998), #14, #28(1966), #81, #98, #102(SL13-26), #206 - update: 14.11.10 Home