Pioneer 2 |
Spacecraft n°: 28 |
USA satellite n°: 22 |
Launch data:
NASA photo of the Pioneer 2 probe |
Prime contractor | TRW |
Operator | USAF, NASA |
Mass at launch | 39.5 kg |
Dry Mass | kg |
Configaration | 2 glass fiber cones jointed at their base by a cylinder |
Dimension | 0,74 dia - 0,76 long |
Equipment | camera (oscillating mirror scanner), radiation counter, search coil magnetometer, microphone micrometeorite detector |
Propulsion | 8 vernier rockets (seperable), TX-8 (Falcon) orbit insertion motor |
Pioneer 2 was nearly identical to Pioneer 1. It consisted of a thin cylindrical midsection with a squat truncated cone frustum on each side. The cylinder was 74 cm in diameter and the height from the top of one cone to the top of the opposite cone was 76 cm. Along the axis of the spacecraft and protruding from the end of the lower cone was an 11 kg solid propellant injection rocket and rocket case, which formed the main structural member of the spacecraft. Eight small low-thrust solid propellant velocity adjustment rockets were mounted on the end of the upper cone in a ring assembly which could be jettisoned after use. A magnetic dipole antenna also protruded from the top of the upper cone. The shell was composed of laminated plastic. The total mass of the spacecraft after vernier separation but before injection rocket firing was 39.5 kg.
Ref.: #6, #6b, #7, #14, #98 - update: 14.07.08 | Home |