Mars 1


Spacecraft n°:

Russian spacecraft n°: 45

Launch data:

Designation 00450 / 1962 B Nu 3 / 62061A
Launch date 01 Nov 1962 - 16:14:16 UT
Launch site B, LC1
Launch vehicle Molniya 8K78 (T103-16)
Satellite type 2MV-4 n°2 (Mars 1 PFC)
Mission Mars flyby
Heliocentric orbit (Sun orbit):
Perihelion x Aphelion 0.924 x 1.604 A.U.
Incl. to ecliptic 2.68°
Period (around the Sun) 519 days

Contact lost on 21 Mars 1963, passed 200000 km from Mars. Returned no data.


Prime contractor  Korolev
Platform  Sputnik 23
Mass at launch 893,5 kg
Dry Mass   kg
Dimension 1,1 dia - 3,3 long
Basic shape Cylinder
Solar array  
Lifetime  Indefinite

Ref.: #1, #7, #8, #11(1998) - #28(1966), #81, #102, #206 - update: 05.11.10 Home