Mars 1 |
Russia |
Spacecraft n°: |
Russian spacecraft n°: 45 |
Designation | 00450 / 1962 B Nu 3 / 62061A |
Launch date | 01 Nov 1962 - 16:14:16 UT |
Launch site | B, LC1 |
Launch vehicle | Molniya 8K78 (T103-16) |
Satellite type | 2MV-4 n°2 (Mars 1 PFC) |
Mission | Mars flyby |
Operator | |
Heliocentric orbit (Sun orbit): | |
Perihelion x Aphelion | 0.924 x 1.604 A.U. |
Eccentricity | 0.269 |
Incl. to ecliptic | 2.68° |
Period (around the Sun) | 519 days |
Contact lost on 21 Mars 1963, passed 200000 km from Mars. Returned no data.
Ref.: #1, #7, #8, #11(1998) - #28(1966), #81, #102, #206 - update: 05.11.10 | Home |