Beacon 2


Spacecraft n°: 46

USA satellite n°: 37

Launch data:

Designation F00072 / 59F08
Launch date 15 Aug 1959 - 00:31 UT
Launch site CC, LC-26B
Launch vehicle  Juno-2 (AM-19B)
Mission Technology: Atmosphere density
Decay 15 Aug 1959

Launch Failure
First and second stages fired correctly, but the third stage fired in the wrong direction and orbital speed was not achieved. The balloon satellite payload did however inflate before re-entry.

Spacecraft data:

Prime contractor  NASA Langley Research Center
Operator US Army
Mass at launch  5 kg
Dry Mass  kg
Basic shape  12 ft balloon
Solar array  
Propulsion none

Ref.: #7, #14, #102(SL13) - update: 2.07.04 Home