STS-8 |
Manned Flight nº: 93 |
Earth orbit Flight nº: 90 |
USA manned Flight nº: 39 |
Launch, orbit & landing data:
Nr. | Surname | Given name | Job | Duration |
1 | Truly | Richard Harrison | CDR | 6d 01h 08m |
2 | Brandenstein | Daniel Charles | PLT | 6d 01h 08m |
3 | Gardner | Dale Alan | MSP | 6d 01h 08m |
4 | Bluford | Guion Stewart, Jr. | MSP | 6d 01h 08m |
5 | Thornton | William Edgar | MSP | 6d 01h 08m |
Crew compartment flight deck window debris, damage, streak documentation - Credit: NASA. |
Mission Specialist (MS) Bluford exercises on middeck treadmill - Credit: NASA. |
First night launch and night landing. Deployed Insat 1B. Payloads: Deployment of INSAT (lndia communica-tion satellite) with Payload Assist Module (PAM)-D, Payload Flight Test Article (PFTA)/ Payload Deployment Retrieval System (PDRS), Continuous Flow Electrophoresis (CFES), biomedical experiments. 250,000 express mail envelopes with special cachet for U.S. Postal Service were carried for a first-day cover.
Aft flight deck documentation with freefloating headset interface unit (HIU) - Credit: NASA. |
View of the INSAT/PAM-D being deployed - Credit: NASA. |
Mission Name: STS-8 (8)
Pad 39-A (20)
8th Shuttle mission
3rd Flight OV-099
1st Night
1st Night Landing
Richard H. Truly (2), Commander
Daniel C. Brandenstein (1), Pilot
Dale A. Gardner (1), Mission Specialist
Guion S. Bluford (1), Jr., Mission Specialist
William E. Thornton (1), Mission Specialist
ISAL experiment documentation of vertical tail and OMS pods - Credit: NASA. |
Mission Objectives:
August 30, 1983, 2:32:00 a.m. EDT. Launch delayed 17 mlnutes due to weather. Launch Weight: 242,742 lbs.
Altitude: 191nm
Inclination: 28.5 degrees
Orbits: 98
Duration: Six days, one hour, eight minutes, 43 seconds.
Distance: 2,514,478 miles.
Ref.: #1, #7, #8, #16, #313 - update: 25.04.19 | Home |