The A11 (Japan Rakete) was a design concept which would have acted as the first stage of a three stage rocket, the other two stages
being the A9 and A10.
The A11 design was shown by von Braun to US officers in Garmisch-Partenkirchen; the drawing was later published in 1946 by the US
Army. The A11 was shown as using six of the large single-chamber engines proposed for the A10 stage, with a modified A10 second stage
nested within the A11. The design also showed the winged A9, indicating a gliding landing or bombing mission. To achieve orbit, either
a new "kick stage" would have been required, or the A9 would have to have been lightened. In either case, only a payload of approximately
300 kg (660 lb) could have been placed in a Low Earth Orbit.
The A11 was planned at Peenemuende to use the A9/A10 transoceanic missile atop the tubby A11 stage to form the basis for launching the
first earth satellite - or as an ICBM....
Payload/orbit performance estimated. LEO Payload: 1,700 kg. to: 180 km Orbit. at: 50.0 degrees. Liftoff
Thrust: 1,286,710 kgf. Total Mass: 857,340 kg. Core Diameter: 13.5 m. Total Length: 66.0 m.
Stage Number: 1. 1 x Von Braun-2 Gross Mass: 770,000 kg. Empty Mass: 70,000 kg. Thrust (vac):
1,600,000 kgf. Isp: 286 sec. Burn time: 124 sec. Isp(sl): 230 sec. Diameter: 13.5 m. Span: 13.5 m.
Length: 20.7 m. Propellants: WFNA/UDMH No Engines: 34.
Stage Number: 2. 1 x A-10 Gross Mass: 69,043 kg. Empty Mass: 16,993 kg. Thrust (vac): 235,238 kgf.
Isp: 247 sec. Burn time: 55 sec. Isp(sl): 210 sec. Diameter: 4.1 m. Span: 9.0 m. Length: 20.0 m.
Propellants: Lox/Alcohol No Engines: 1.
Stage Number: 3. 1 x A-9 Gross Mass: 16,259 kg. Empty Mass: 3,000 kg. Thrust (vac): 29,437 kgf.
Isp: 255 sec. Burn time: 115 sec. Isp(sl): 220 sec. Diameter: 1.7 m. Span: 3.2 m. Length: 14.2 m.
Propellants: Lox/Alcohol No Engines: 1.