Soyuz TM-9


Manned Flight nº: 131

Earth orbit Flight nº: 128

USSR Flight nº: 69

Launch & orbit data:

Designation 20494 / 90014A
Launch date - time 11 Feb 1990 - 06:16:00 UT
Launch site Baikonur, LC1
Launch vehicle  Soyuz 11A511U2
OKB name - S/N° Soyuz 7K-STM (11F732) s/n° 60
Mass (kg) 7.150
Flight Crew (EO-6) Solovyov, Anatoly (CDR)
Balandin, Aleksandr (FE)
Call Sign Rodnik (Spring - water spring)
Earth orbit on :
   - Perigee / Apogee 373 x 387 km
   - Inclination 51.6°
   - Period 92.2 min

Docking & landing data:

Docking date - time 13 Feb 1990 - 06:37:47 UT
Target spacecraft/port Kvant/
Undocking date - time 28 May 1990
Redocking date - time 28 May 1990
Target spacecraft/port Mir/fore
Undocking date - time 09 Aug 1990 - 04:08:49 UT
Deorbit date - time 09 Aug 1990 - 06:39:54 UT
Landing date - time 09 Aug 1990 - 07:33:57 UT
Landing location 67°17'N, 50°51'E
70 km from Arkalyk
Flight Duration (d:hr:min) 179:01:18
Nbr orbits 2833


Nr. Surname Given name Job Duration
1  Soloviyov  Anatoli Yakovlevich  Commander 179d 01h 18m 
2  Balandin  Aleksandr Nikolayevich  Flight engineer 179d 01h 18m 

Flight crew

Backup Crew

Nr. Name Job
1  Manakov, Gennadi M.  Commander
2  Strekalov, Gennadi M.  Flight engineer

2nd Backup: Afanasyev V. M., Sevastyanov, V.I. & Stankjavikus, R.A.

Mir EVA - Get a Grip Mir EVA - Get a Grip - Credit: RKK Energia.

Manned two crew. Mir Expedition EO-06. Docked with Mir. Transported to the Mir orbital station a crew comprising the cosmonauts A Y Solovyov and A N Balandin to conduct an extensive programme of geophysical and astrophysical research, experiments on biology and biotechnology and work on space materials science. Recovered August 9, 1990 07:35 GMT.

Soyuz TM-9 Soyuz TM-9 - Loose thermal blankets on Soyuz TM-9. - Credit: RKK Energia.

Soyuz TM-9 Soyuz TM-9 - Baladin and Solvyov aboard Mir. - Credit: RKK Energia.

Mission details:

Astrophilately covers:

Soyuz TM-9

Launch cancel Baikonur, singed by the crew.

Soyuz TM-9

Cosmic Mail: with five-site Mir boardcancel, octagonal boardcancel 130290 and special helicopter MH-8 cancel, registration cancel Arkalyk and signed by the crew.

Ref.: #1, #7(JR032,041), #8, #10, #16, #210 - update: 05.10.18 Home