ParmitanoLuca Salvo |
Italy |
International order nº: 532 |
Italian astr. nº: 6 |
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No | Launch Spacecraft | Date and time of launch (UT) |
Status while launch |
Spacecraft of landing |
Date and time of landing (UT) |
Duration |
1 | Soyuz TMA-09M | 28 May 2013 20h 31m |
FE ISS-36/37 | Soyuz TMA-09M | 11 Nov 2013 02h 49m |
166d 06h 19m |
2 | Soyuz MS-13 | 20 July 2019 16h 18m 21s |
FE-Exp. 60/61 | Soyuz MS-13 | 06 Feb 2020 09h 12m 21s |
200d 16h 44m |
Total duration: | 366d 23h 03m |
Date of beginning |
Time of beginning |
Duration | Crew & Remarks |
09 Jul 2013 | UT | 6h 07m | Parmitano and C. Cassidy; mission ISS The astronauts replaced a space-to-ground communications receiver and wireless video equipment and installed power and cables for a Russian multipurpose laboratory module that will be launched later in 2013. The new module will serve as a research facility, docking port and airlock for future Russian spacewalks and will replace the Pirs module. |
16 Jul 2013 | UT | 01h 32m | Parmitano and C. Cassidy; mission ISS The spacewalk was terminated after just one hour due to an unexplained build up of water inside the space suit helmet of European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano. |
15 Nov 2019 | UT | 06h 39m | Parmitano and A. Morgan; mission ISS It was the first in a series of complex spacewalks in November and December 2019 to repair the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02), They set up tools and equipment before removing a protective debris shield from the AMS-02, giving them access to the guts of the instrument so a new coolant system pump module can be installed later. |
22 Nov 2019 | UT | 06h 33m | Parmitano and A. Morgan; mission ISS They continued their work to replace a cooling system and fixed a coolant leak on AMS-02. Luca Parmitano and Andrew Morgan cut and label stainless steel tubes, of which there are eight. |
02 Dec 2019 | UT | 06h 02m | Parmitano and A. Morgan; mission ISS Today′s main task was to install a new pump module. The astronauts installed a bypass to the old thermal control system by attaching a new one off the side of AMS-02. |
25 Jan 2020 | UT | 06h 16m | Parmitano and A. Morgan; mission ISS The main task was to carry out leak checks, make adjustments and then to re-installed insulation on AMS-02. |
Total: | 33h 09m | EVAs: 6 |
No. | Mission | Job | Date |
1 | Soyuz TMA-07M | Flight Engineer | 19 Dec 2012 |
2 | Soyuz MS-11 | Flight Engineer | 03 Dec 2018 |
3 | Soyuz MS-12 | Flight Engineer | 14 Mar 2019 |